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You may never guess from looking at this picture but Kiki was in a coma for two weeks. He was rushed to our emergency room, having developed complications from cholera. He had been to another hospital and instead of improving, his condition kept worsening with each passing day and very quickly.

When he came to CMB, Kiki was severely dehydrated, his skin had lost all of its elasticity and his feet were swollen. Time was of the essence and the doctors worked quickly to stabilize him. Kiki was placed on intravenous fluids to replenish his body’s lost fluids.

For several days, he remained unconscious, battling the deadly infection. But Kiki proved to be a fighter. After several weeks of intensive treatment, he began to show signs of improvement. Slowly but surely, he regained consciousness. The hospital provided him with therapeutic food to help with his nutritional deficiency.

Kiki’s mom Isemène says Kiki is a living testimony! She recalls her neighbors thought he wouldn’t make it and went as far as to say if he recovered they would start following Christ like she does. Today, Kiki is back to his old self. He can talk, sit and stand on his own, and sing. His favorite food is fried chicken (or kwis poul as he likes to call it). He is excited to be going back home and did not want to stay at the hospital one minute longer than he had to (hence the grumpy picture).

Isemène thanks God that she was able to come to CMB in time and that the doctors and nurses took such good care of her son despite her inability to pay. She is thankful for the wonderful donors that helped them with their hospital bill. She prays that God continues to bless CMB.

While cholera and malnutrition remain a significant threat in Haiti, Kiki’s story proves that with timely treatment and appropriate care, even the most severe cases can be overcome.



La Pointe, Port-de-Paix, Haiti 
 +509 3612-1867
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